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Jayden - In A Sweet Spot of Childhood

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Soong Kee Beef Noodles

If there is one hawker dish that I can't resist, it would most probably be beef noodles! I chanced upon the original Soong Kee Beef Ball Mee restaurant at Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin a few years ago and I have enjoyed its food ever since! However, I can tell you one thing that it ain't easy to park in this part of town!

So when I read in the papers that Tan Sri Francis Yeoh had decided to coax his favourite hawker stalls to be part of the new Lot 10 Hutong food court I was naturally intrigued. Finally, an easier way to have my favourite dish. To convince established hawker vendors to leave the comforts of their own "territory" and have a stall in a fancy air-conditioned food court is certainly no easy feat and lucky for you and me, it has happened.

I managed to convince Regina to try a bowl of beef noodles with me which she gamely agreed! The Lot 10 stall has a special set at RM7.50 where one can enjoy a plate of vegetables, a bowl of noodles topped with their specially prepared minced pork (yes, how did pork suddenly enter the picture? only the owner knows), soup filled with beefy goodness (spare parts - beef tripe, beef balls, beef intestines,etc) and a glass of pandan red tea which i opted to have plain water instead (no pandan flavoured drinks for me, TQVM).

The noodles were just exactly as I remembered it, springy and dripping with delicious morsels of minced meat that has been marinated with dark soya sauce. The beef balls remain the main attraction and they go well with the stall's tangy chili sauce. Skill is definitely required in preparing these bouncy beef balls, from ensuring its freshness; tenderizing, mincing, marinating and finally in boiling them. Although I wasnt sure exactly what I was eating in the medley of spare parts in the bowl, I suppose I enjoyed the different textures (dont get all grossed out on me now).

As you can see from the pictures below, Regina is enjoying her bowl of noodles with much gusto, hehheh (Reg, don't kill me). So if u're ever in Lot 10, don't forget to check out this stall!


  1. You made the food look slurpingly yummy.. and I added more yummy slurps to the food. ;)

  2. It was definitely a nice dinner yea
