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Jayden - In A Sweet Spot of Childhood

Monday, April 5, 2010

Richard Branson - The Autobiography

Once upon a time, not too long ago (or so I would like to believe), I used to have a voracious appetite for books. Fast forward to the future, I admit that my *ehem*, book-reading habit has dwindled a tad bit! But of course, every now and then, kind souls would lend me interesting books (Thank you Choo Ki!) which includes this Richard Branson autobiography, Chairman of the Virgin Group.

Aptly titled 'Losing My Virginity' (what else could he have possibly called it?), this book chronicles his childhood years and the experiences that have helped shaped his amazing entrepreneurial and savvy business skills.

I've only begun reading the first few chapters and already I'm hooked. He writes in a very personal manner, so it feels like he's right there next to you, telling you his story. (creepy, isn't it?)

I must also admit that I was quite intrigued by his cover shot for the book. It looks as if he's calmly standing alone, completely at ease with himself (who wouldn't be, with the knowledge that there are gazillions of money sitting in your bank account?) and facing the ocean with the salty breeze blowing right across his hair. A nice portrait shot I must say! Which makes me wonder if I had a chance to shoot a book cover for any famous celebrity, who would I like to shoot? Johnny Depp and Christian Bale! (Call me, I know you're reading this).

Essentially, I love reading about other people's lives, hence the instant preference for biographies. But of course, there are many that I have yet to read, so if there are any good recommendations, please let me know!

This also explains my rather unhealthy obsession with E! True Hollywood Stories. I have probably seen every other celebrity's life story (Please do not repeat the Britney Spears' episode, again. I probably know every ex-Mickey Mouse club member by now). Which reminds me, I need to subscribe to that new Biography channel in Astro! (No, I am not being paid for endorsing this!).

So anyway, I will probably be spending my nights reading this book and I'm guessing it's going to be one interesting ride.


  1. pls give me a summary after you've "lost your virginity" with Branson. ;)
