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Jayden - In A Sweet Spot of Childhood

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Edwin, Joy & Jayden

Edwin and Joy are such doting parents to Jayden that you simply can't help but feel the close bond between the family. My friends and I decided to take pictures of the young family at the popular Taman Tun park which were filled with people, young and old alike who were getting their weekly fix of exercise.

Although it was scorchingly hot, Edwin and Joy were game to take pictures while Jayden was excited about the mini-playground! Jayden is quite a hyperactive kid as it wasn't easy to keep him still during the photoshoot!

There was also a stream in the park and at first, Jayden was apprehensive about playing with the water. After awhile though, he was happily playing around in the stream like there was no tomorrow!

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